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Digital Literacy Programme 💻

A project to provide all pupils with the hardware necessary to enhance digital literacy skills. this programme is supported by Carrickallen wind farm community fund.

Essential to the development of digital literacy is the ability to locate, select and critically analyse relevant information in multiple modes to include text, visual and audio.

Appropriate use of digital technologies in the classroom helps children, particularly those with additional needs, to demonstrate knowledge, skills and understanding.

Under this project, the Carrickallen fund provided laptop computers for the use of all children in Aughadreena National School. By enabling them to engage with digital technologies from the start of primary school, teachers can support children to foster a positive attitude towards the use of digital technologies and to use technology responsibly and appropriately. It is essential to have adequate resources so that all children have opportunities to develop their skills.

Part 1 of this project will provide 8 laptops for pupils use. It is intended to increase this number, as funds allow, until there are enough laptops for use by a whole class at a time - approximately 25 in total.

Deputy Principal, Eilish Smith, has said “This project has had a wonderful impact on pupil's motivation to learn. Through using the laptops, they are gaining valuable digital literacy skills while enjoying their learning. The laptops are used across the curriculum for numeracy, literacy, history, geography and science projects, greatly adding to our ability to facilitate STEAM lessons.”

Carrickallen wind farm is operational since 2019 and has a yearly allocated community fund. For further information on the Carrickallen Community Fund, please get in contact with Deirdre on 087 1163979.


Carrickallen Wind Farm
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